We help nonprofit organizations get what they need for free or at a nominal fee.
Supporting them supports the people they serve.
Together we can do more good.
616+ tons
Saved from the landfill
Current Members
1+ Million
Individuals our members serve
Total value of goods distributed
Amount contributed by members to cover handling fees
Introducing Goods Bank NEO Resource Exchange
Connecting organizations and their used goods directly with other organizations in need.
Our Story
Working Together for Greater Good
People in our community need our help. Many struggle every day to provide basic necessities for their families and themselves. As needs increase, nonprofit resources become more limited. Goods Bank NEO bridges the gap by providing new, quality goods donated by generous companies to people in need and the organizations that serve them.
We look forward to a future when everyone in our community can thrive without assistance. Until then, we will work to get people what they need and reduce waste in the process.
It’s about working together as companies, nonprofits, individuals and a community to make a greater impact.
Filling the Need by Bridging the Gap
We help nonprofits, schools and faith-based organizations provide new goods to the people they serve or use them to support their operations, all for a nominal handling fee.
The result? Budgets and donations go further. Organizations can help more people. The impact on our community increases.

Funding is always short; resources are limited. Let us help you stretch yours, that’s our mission.

From overstock to leftover swag, we make it easy for you to donate your new goods to do good in our community.

We need lots of support–from helping at our warehouse, to collection drives of new items, to financial contributions.